Evaluation form
Sample evaluation form for coaches and consultants working with clients.
(Coach/consultant) is committed to on-going quality development of its services. It would be very much appreciated, therefore, if you would complete this brief questionnaire and return it to (coach/consultant) (insert contact details). Please answer the questions as specifically as possible and feel free to add additional comments at the end.
The principal aim of (coach/consultant’s) services is, 'To support and enhance development of the client as a reflective practitioner and agent of change.' In what ways, if any, would you say this aim has been achieved through the service you have received?
(Coach/consultant) seeks to adapt its intervention methods to suit the experience, development priorities and preferred learning styles of individual clients. In what ways, if any, would you say this has been reflected successfully in the service you have received?
What are the key things you have learned/applied as a result of the service received from (coach/consultant)? What impact has it had in the workplace?
What do you think (coach/consultant) could do to improve the quality of its service for clients?
Would you be happy for your comments (above) to be used in attributable form?
Thank you