Lockdown, as a self- or state-imposed isolation from other people, is a physical response to a physical threat, a measure taken to limit the impact of a clear and present danger. The current, global, disease crisis-response is a very explicit case in point. Yet every action risks creating its own unintended consequences. Take, for instance, mental and physical health problems that may well result from media-induced fear and panic; sustained social isolation; reduced physical exercise.
Cast your eye to the poorer countries and communities in the world, and the list grows much longer. You can add stress from lost essential livelihoods; lack of access to food, safe water, sanitation and health facilities; increased risks of corruption and exploitation of the most vulnerable people. So, in the face of such existential threats, what can we do? William Glasser, a choice-theory, relational psychotherapist, offers useful insight in his 3Rs formula: Reality + Responsibility + Relationship. Reality: Look beyond our own immediate thoughts, feelings and circumstances to see, where possible, a bigger picture. Reflect critically on what we see and hear in the media. Keep things in perspective. Responsibility: Acknowledge that our actions in the face of adversity represent choices. We can make different choices. Do what is right, not just what is expedient. Relationships: Look outwards when tempted to close inwards. Ask for support. Offer it too. Keep in touch. Pray. Would you find coaching with the 3xRs helpful? Get in touch! [email protected]
Jonathan Myers
26/3/2020 01:40:50 pm
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 01:43:02 pm
Thanks Jonathan. 🙏
Sharon King
26/3/2020 01:41:39 pm
Love this article Nick very useful and helpful some reason at this difficult time.
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 01:42:21 pm
Thanks Sharon. If there's anything I can do to help, get in touch.
Felicity Clarke
26/3/2020 01:44:44 pm
In an isolationship - love this phrase!! :)
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 01:45:52 pm
Thanks Felcity. I had never heard it until this week. Perhaps one good thing to come out of the Coronacrisis?!
Felicity Clarke
26/3/2020 02:09:56 pm
Haha Nick these puns are brightening my day!
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 02:10:28 pm
😎🙏☀️ 26/3/2020 02:36:37 pm
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 03:04:21 pm
Thank you for such encouraging feedback, Tara. The positive spirit you exemplify in your reflections resonates well with an article I read online just now: 'Fear of Covid-19 is a mental contagion - and that's something we can fight': https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/26/fear-of-covid-19-is-a-mental-contagion-ben-okri
26/3/2020 03:13:13 pm
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 03:18:18 pm
Hi Tara. I love that: 'the end is not near but rather another beginning.' I hope that we as people, communities, nations and world will be open enough to hear and learn the vital lessons this crisis can offer to us.
Lilin Lim
26/3/2020 03:37:56 pm
Very insightful.
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 03:38:23 pm
Thanks Lilin!
Birgit Wilke
26/3/2020 03:39:41 pm
Ich finde das klingt sehr realistisch, mit Weitblick und auch positiv.
Nick Wright
26/3/2020 03:40:22 pm
Danke Birgit. Ich hoffe es. ☀️
Dr. Harold Hinsley
27/3/2020 05:52:02 am
Just got out of isolation.
Nick Wright
27/3/2020 05:52:56 am
Hi Harold. How did you manage it? Stay safe.
Vicky Kapatos
27/3/2020 05:55:32 am
Beautifully expressed
Nick Wright
27/3/2020 05:57:05 am
Thank you for your kind feedback, Vicky. You’re welcome. 😃
Dawn Scott
27/3/2020 02:32:21 pm
Just so you Nick. Hope you’re well ❤️
Nick Wright
27/3/2020 02:33:50 pm
Thanks Dawn. I try to practise what I preach..! 🙂 Stay safe and stay well.
Matt Omslaer
30/3/2020 12:23:03 am
I agree with this message. The entire world needs a new positive direction instead of operating out of fear.
Nick Wright
30/3/2020 12:56:21 pm
Hi Matt. Thank you for sharing such a great example of looking at the world and acting macro-systemically to influence change. I would love to hear more about the 'chain of events' vis a vis the truckers. It sounds both intriguing and effective!
Jaimie Shires
6/4/2020 07:45:30 pm
Thanks for your post. I like how you've used the 3 R's as a tool to keep things in perspective. I'd like to add Self-care (prioritising our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health) to your list, if I may. I think it falls under Responsibility and Relationships. It is more important than ever to tune into our worries and needs and take the necessary action (doing what helps us feel good) to stay well during this time. How else will we overcome this as individuals and collectively?
Nick Wright
6/4/2020 10:40:30 pm
Thanks Jaimie. Yes, finding ways of self-care, alongside others-care, is very important; especially when people are in isolation and thereby separated from some of the people and things that ordinarily contribute to mental, physical and social wellbeing.
Enrique Aponte Jr.
6/4/2020 10:42:12 pm
Very good I will re-post this one. Easy and to the point. Thank you, Nick.
Nick Wright
6/4/2020 10:42:39 pm
Thank you, Enrique. You're welcome.
5/1/2021 11:07:51 am
Thanks for your valuable and timely insight Nick - it has made me pause and reflect on my life at this time. God bless you my good friend.
Nick Wright
22/7/2021 05:33:01 pm
Thank you, Ian, for such encouraging feedback - and apologies for the long delay in responding!! (I have only just seen your posting...). God bless you too. :)
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Nick WrightI'm a psychological coach, trainer and OD consultant. Curious to discover how can I help you? Get in touch! Like what you read? Simply enter your email address below to receive regular blog updates!