The war in Ukraine is terrible and devastating. Yet - why is the UK media largely reporting only one side of such a complex and painful story? As the West, we still need to answer a fundamental and critical question posed by a Russian diplomat on Friday: ‘For the past several decades, our country has repeatedly raised how we feel in danger after you moved your military infrastructure in our direction. We don’t like it and we feel in danger and we can’t close our eyes to it: so why are you doing it?’ (Reuters) Is this just Russian deflection: smoke and mirrors? It's tempting to dismiss that which doesn't fit with our chosen narrative, yet we don’t secure or safeguard democracy or peace by seeing or hearing only that which we want to see or hear. What do you think?
12/3/2022 06:26:16 pm
I get the point but it is no reason to blast Ukraine to pieces.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 06:26:49 pm
Hi Jayne. I agree. It’s absolutely no excuse to attack Ukraine.
12/3/2022 06:47:43 pm
Hi Nick. Here are some thoughts it triggered for me:
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 06:58:55 pm
Hi Alex. Thank you for expressing so well the immense power of narrative. It strikes me that, if we are to create hope for the future, we will need to work hard to hear the narratives of others - including those of whom, on the face of it, we fundamentally and ferociously disagree with. Only then, perhaps, can we co-create futures based on mutual empathy and respect.
12/3/2022 09:16:21 pm
Hi Nick. Don’t know if you read any Bill Bowder. I read Red Notice and it was a chilling account of how far Putin's regime will go to self protect. I’ve not read the other, Freezing Order, which is even more recent, so I can only imagine it will be equally well researched and written.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 09:25:59 pm
Hi Alex. I haven't read those books but, from how you describe them, they sound pretty sobering. My impression is that Putin has gradually, over time, eroded democracy completely in Russia and turned it into an oppressive police state to serve, largely, his own self-interest. It does have some resonances with Hitler and what became Nazi Germany.
12/3/2022 06:59:39 pm
Sounds like bullocks to me. NATO is a defensive force to safeguard peaceful countries from dictatorships run by fascists. Of course you are welcome to listen to their propaganda but don't believe it and don't share it. That's how Trump came to power.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 07:00:25 pm
Hi Mark. Isn’t one of the hallmarks of fascism: silencing..? Just sayin’. 🤐
12/3/2022 07:49:21 pm
Get out there and support the anti vaxxers and Trump supporters and white supremacists. After all far be it from anyone to actually take a stand against madness. After all it worked for Hitler not to be challenged, same for Putin. I look forward to you sharing Kremlin posts about the validity of the war.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 07:50:01 pm
Wow, Mark - that's quite a leap. Is it really true that, to ask such questions is to support Putin and his disastrous, devastating and completely unjustifed war (let alone anti-vaxers, Trump, white supremacists and Hitler)? The world has hope if we can find different ways to hold open and constructive conversations.
12/3/2022 09:31:34 pm
How do you hold open and constructive conversations with people with closed and destructive minds?
Nick Wright
13/3/2022 10:33:10 pm
Hi Mark. I guess a related question, and a critically-important one as a backdrop to this war is: who is not listening - and why..?
12/3/2022 07:04:30 pm
Hi Nick. Estland, Lettland, Litauen sind auch in der EU und die Nato ist nahe bei Russland. Warum ist die Ukraine und ihr Wunsch, zum Westen zu gehören für Putin das Problem? Er hatte schon viel früher beim Baltikum den Westen nahe bei Russland.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 07:12:51 pm
Hi Kathrin. Gut gesagt. Ich kann nur vermuten, was Putin im Kopf hat und was seine wahren Beweggründe für diesen Krieg sind.
12/3/2022 08:55:46 pm
Bitte lass dir nicht den Mut und die Kraft nehmen, deine Gedanken im Blog zu schreiben. Es ist wichtig für uns, deine Blogs und Perspektiven zu lesen und davon zu lernen. Auch zu diskutieren, aber nicht ärgerlich. 🙏
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 08:57:48 pm
Danke Kathrin. Ich schätze deine Ermutigung und Unterstützung.
12/3/2022 07:13:47 pm
Hi Nick. Sounds like the opposite of Macbeth - a lion is terrified of a hare or an eagle afraid of a sparrow!
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 07:14:19 pm
Hi David. I don't understand! Can you say more..?
12/3/2022 09:33:39 pm
The seat grant, when asked if Macbeth was discouraged when, after fighting one battle, the Norwegian king rocked up to fight with his army ... he replied that Macbeth was as afraid as a lion is of a hare, and as an eagle, is afraid of a sparrow!
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 09:34:56 pm
Ah. I don't remember Norwegians making an appearance in Macbeth. I'll need to re-read it! :)
12/3/2022 07:22:33 pm
Hi Nick. Your thought provoking blogs are so good. It’s so important to remain humble and, in supporting action against unjust aggression, to try to understand the ‘why?’ And to ask have we also failed in some way?
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 07:40:48 pm
Hi Pete and thank you for such encouraging feedback. Yes, indeed. It's difficult to speak and to be and feel heard when passions are running so high in the midst of very real and disastrous humanitarian crisis.
12/3/2022 09:07:07 pm
Hi Nick. Still, it’s not enough of a reason to invade Ukraine. Whatever reason Russia may have had, war is NOT the solution. I pity the Russian people because of Putin’s decision. They thought they could freely interact with the world but for now they are back in isolation. I pray they will renounce Putin.
Nick Wright
12/3/2022 09:10:19 pm
Hi Precious. I agree. The war is unjustified and self-defeating and will inflict damage and suffering on the Russian people, as well as on the people of Ukraine and, by extension, those of its wider neighbours. Let's pray for a peaceful and sustainable solution to this conflict - and as soon as possible.
Peter Young
13/3/2022 11:23:51 am
Thanks Nick for your courage to speak out about the bias present in our media and political system.
Nick Wright
14/3/2022 08:50:39 am
Hi Peter. Thank you for such heart-warming feedback. To be honest, I don't always feel very courageous.
Peter Young
14/3/2022 08:51:16 am
Thanks Nick, especially for the link to Otto Scharmer's thoughtful post.
Nick Wright
14/3/2022 08:53:30 am
Hi Peter. You're welcome. Interestingly, I had a vivid dream last night in which I was sitting in an auditorium. The woman speaker on the platform spoke and said, quite simply: 'The best time to stop a war is before it starts.' Indeed. 14/3/2022 05:38:28 pm
Nick Wright
14/3/2022 07:24:07 pm
Hi Tara. Thank you for sharing such great insights. Yes, the stories we hear from childhood can condition us to view the different parties in any relationship in polarised terms - as good vs bad; heroes vs villains. It's often a reductionist way of viewing people, relationships and situations, yet nevertheless helps to simplify complex realities that could otherwise feel overwhelming.
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